MSDS of Yellow Tungsten Oxide
1.Reactivity Data
Stability: Stable
Flammability: 0
Conditions to Avoid: None
Incompatibility (Material to Avoid): Lithium, ClF3 and Cl2, acids
Hazardous Decomposition Products: None
Hazardous Polymerization: Will not occur.
2.Effects of Exposure:
Acute Effects:
Inhalation: May cause irritation to the respiratory tract.
Ingestion: Moderately toxic by ingestion.
Skin: May cause abrasive irritation.
Eye: May cause abrasive irritation.
Chronic Effects:
Inhalation: No chronic health effects recorded.
Ingestion: Large overdoses may cause nervous system disturbances, and diarrhea.
Skin: No chronic health effects recorded.
Eye: No chronic health effects recorded.
Routes of Entry: Inhalation, Skin, Eyes, and Ingestion.
Target Organs: May affect the respiratory and central nervous systems.
Medical Conditions Generally Aggravated by Exposure: Pre-existing respiratory disorders.
3.Spill or Leak Procedures
Steps to Be Taken in Case Material Is Released or Spilled: Wear appropriate respiratory and protective equipment specified in section VIII. Isolate spill area and provide ventilation. Vacuum up spill using a high efficiency particulate absolute (HEPA) air filter and place in a closed container for disposal. Take care not to raise dust.
Waste Disposal Method: Dispose of in accordance with Local, State And Federal regulations.
4.Special Precautions
Precautions to be Taken in Handling and Storage: Store in a cool, dry area. Store in tightly sealed container. Wash thoroughly after handling.
Work Practices: Implement engineering and work practice controls to reduce and maintain concentration of exposure at low levels. Use good housekeeping and sanitation practices. Do not use tobacco or food in work area. Wash thoroughly before eating and smoking. Do not blow dust off clothing or skin with compressed air. Maintain eyewash capable of sustained flushing, safety drench shower and facilities for washing.
If you have any other question or inquiry of tungsten oxide/trioxide, please feel free to contact us through the following methods:
Tel.: +86 592 5129696/86 592 5129595
Fax: +86 592 5129797
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